Outperforming the market by applying the proven laws of effectiveness
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In a highly competitive and cluttered marketplace, Hearing Australia faced some significant headwinds.
It was being massively outspent by competitors leading to a declining share of voice (SOV).
Moreover, the brand lacked distinctiveness, resulting in misattributed communications, and was struggling to establish an emotional connection with its audience, further limiting its mental availability.
Using our proprietary ‘Brand Distinctiveness Audit,’ we analysed and ranked the strength of Hearing Australia’s distinctive assets across various marketing channels. By identifying key assets and leveraging them consistently, we aimed to improve brand familiarity.
Additionally, and given the power of sonic branding to deliver a 900% increase in branded attention, we created a sonic logo. And we also developed a new powerful fluid asset – a hearing inspired map of Australia.
Recognizing the power of emotionally led creative in driving long-term effectiveness, we developed a campaign for Hearing Australia’s 75th birthday.
With an emotionally driven narrative and uniquely positive tone, it showcased how Hearing Australia has provided expert hearing care to people of all ages and backgrounds.
And it heavily integrated our distinctive assets to enhance brand salience and create meaningful differentiation in the marketplace.
The combination of science-backed analysis with the distinctiveness-driven strategy and a highly compelling and emotive creative execution, Hearing Australia experienced significant growth in market share, outperforming competitors who were spending significantly more.
The campaign successfully elevated brand salience, improved mental availability, and positioned Hearing Australia as the go-to provider of expert hearing care across Australia.
The compound effect of driving both mental & physical availability
Harnessing a category entry point and distinctive assets for success
Driving brand growth through a brand platform with an occasion at its heart
Suite 7 & 8, 13-29 Nichols Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
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