The compound effect of driving both mental & physical availability
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While our brand campaign had successfully built the Hearing Australia brand to be top of mind, its physical availability was lacking as a limited footprint meant its stores were not easily found.
With ease and convenience both key factors in decision-making, the perception of Hearing Australia as not being conveniently located was a barrier to driving penetration.
Mental and physical availability are interconnected and mutually beneficial. The task was to continue to build mental availability whilst also building physical availability without the need for expensive and time-consuming store expansions
Continuity of distinctive brand assets and messaging from the long-term brand campaign was critical to continue building brand saliency.
To celebrate World Hearing Day and reinforce the promise of easy access to expert hearing care, we developed a participation platform called ‘Hearing the Nation Tour.’
Leveraging two of the brands unique points of difference – blue hearing buses and on the ground Community Hearing Advisors, the tour aimed to enhance accessibility and convenience.
The blue buses, acting as visible fluid device, travelled to over 1,000 locations, offering free 15-minute hearing checks.
The campaign delivered the highest ever number of new leads in a campaign period, far exceeding the KPI.
Leveraging distinctive assets and maintaining consistency with the long-term brand campaign further solidified brand saliency with spontaneous awareness increasing over the campaign period.
Outperforming the market by applying the proven laws of effectiveness
Harnessing a category entry point and distinctive assets for success
Driving brand growth through a brand platform with an occasion at its heart
Suite 7 & 8, 13-29 Nichols Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
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